In Ads Jail & Don’t Know Why?


We Can Help You!

Get Your Ads Approved or Account Reinstated

If your Google ads account gets suspended, you are more likely to be frustrated and upset. Please don’t let this cloud your judgment; be careful not to do something that will compound the problem. Everything you do from the point of suspension forward is vital and can do more harm than good. 

Our staff is highly trained and effective with all suspension types. Whatever your suspension is, we can help.

We Have The Experience

With over 16 years of Google ads experience, we can spot and resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Glee is possible. When we finish, you’ll return to good standing in most cases, and your ads will be running again.

Every suspension is different, and we have worked on all types. We have done nothing but suspensions for over four years now. We are proven experts and would gladly give you a free consultation. Please, ask questions before you decide to hire someone to help. 

The time frame can vary from a day or two to a month or several. There is no way to tell how long it will take, but we will not disengage until your account is back up and running.

Our Three Level Process!


& Assessment

Our team will look at your site, and ads account to find the cause. It may be one or a combination, and it may be a simple fix or a more drastic strategy that requires implementation. 

Suspended PPC has extensive experience in Digital Ads and Google Ads Advertising Policies. We can get to the root of the problem promptly.



The Expert Staff will represent, assist and support you with the Policy teams during the appeal process. For this reason, you can access us via email seven days a week. 

Our lines of communication must be open to answering each other’s questions. Working as a team to solve issues to get you reinstated is vital.



Suspended PPC will stay in contact with you to ensure that your account follows best practices and remains active. Our priority is that you understand all advertising policies to prevent further suspensions.

We encourage questions and will be glad to respond promptly. After reinstatement, we advise you to provide questions you need clarification on that are 100% compliant

Business Operations Verification Suspension

Our goal is to get companies back on track after being suspended for failing the Business Operations Verification with Google. Since this verification is new, we cannot display how many we have helped; however, each case we picked up has resulted in success.

To help you the best, consistency and transparency are key. Every question you present must be the absolute truth for the best results. Although our questions may appear confusing, our team knows how to bring them together.

Google’s goal here is not to take you down but to verify and attempt to make your business as transparent as possible to ensure that the searcher does not end up on a site that does not fit the search query and to save you money by serving you only relevant traffic. Transparency and knowing who you are doing business with is the best way to reinstate. Remember, Google is responsible for keeping its customers safe and happy.

Many Ads users need to be more precisely sure how to answer the questions asked on the Google form. This is where we are experts, not at tricking Google’s system but making your business as transparent to Google as possible and providing them with the material needed to assure them that you are eligible to run Google ads.

We will be happy to give you a free consultation. Please, If you are a legitimate business suspended wrongfully, Don’t wait; contact us before your suspension becomes permanent. We are happy to help.